Meaning of It’s Ok to Cry by Ricky Montgomery

January 25, 2024

"It's Ok to Cry" by Ricky Montgomery is a song that explores themes of emotional vulnerability, grief, and the societal pressure to hide one's emotions. The lyrics convey a message of acceptance and encouragement to express and embrace one's feelings, particularly sadness.

The chorus serves as the main message of the song, emphasizing that it is acceptable and natural to shed tears and release emotions. It encourages the listener to let go of any shame or fear associated with crying. The repetition of the phrase "Cry, cry, cry" emphasizes the importance of this emotional release.

In the first verse, the lyrics mention feeling upset and having a heavy heart. The mention of sending a friend to the darkness and crawling into the next one implies a sense of loss and the heaviness of grief. This could potentially refer to the loss of a loved one or the experience of depression. The line "Feel it trap me down into the next one" could suggest the cycle of emotional pain or difficult experiences that one goes through.

The second verse implies regret and unspoken words. The line "Never said just what you meant" suggests missed opportunities to express oneself honestly and fully. The lyrics also mention the presence of "little players in the game" and "little moments." This could refer to the transient nature of life and the realization that even though things may change or people may leave, the impact of those little moments remains.

The overall meaning of the song is to convey that it is natural and healthy to express sadness and emotions. It challenges societal expectations that often discourage vulnerability and encourage people to hide their feelings. By promoting the idea that it's okay to cry, the song encourages emotional authenticity and promotes self-acceptance.

Symbolically, tears and crying serve as a metaphorical catharsis, representing the release of pent-up emotions, pain, and grief. The act of crying is seen as a necessary step towards healing and self-discovery. The repeated phrase "It's okay to cry" acts as a mantra, reinforcing the message of embracing vulnerability.

This song resonates with individuals who have experienced loss, heartbreak, or emotional struggles. It holds significance in a culture that often values stoicism and concealing emotions. Through its lyrics and emotional tone, "It's Ok to Cry" provides a comforting and relatable message for anyone navigating their own emotional journey.


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